Homeexecutive bonusesThe Story Greed, Deceit and its effect on Organisational Culture

The Story Greed, Deceit and its effect on Organisational Culture




When I first read Greg Smiths resignation letter 3 years ago on the ides of march, I knew something wasn’t right in the way
financial institutions operate. A myriad of thoughts ran through my mind.
When we trust the people who advise
us and implicitly follow the financial institutions that handle our hard earned money,
we believe that we are buying professional advice at a fee that is normal.

across the financial institutions is far from it. The very fundamental of NIM
(Nett interest margin or commission on transactions)  that forms the bedrock of investment banking
or simple bank
ing stands compromised when a client is referred to as a muppet
or transactions are done to make a ‘hit and run’.

I am going to tell you 3 short
stories here:
Greed part 1:
Yes “Hit and Run”. I have lately come
across this word so frequently uttered incestuously by entrepreneurs who are
doing the so called series A,B,C ‘or whatever’ funding of their amazing
sustainable scaleable ideas in the hope of founding the unicorns
the very people who are funding
these, each one hoping to find a ‘muppet’ before passing the parcel stops and the last muppet obviously files for Chapter
At a time when 7 trillion of global market
cap has been eroded in just 1 week between 24th and 28th
Aug 2015, the net worth of Lloyd Blankfein has shot thru the roof . He happens to be the CEO of the most coveted investment bank on the planet  and is now a billionaire. Obviously he has
found his muppets right.
The incapability of the human mind to
connect the dots and take informed decisions leads to severe imbalances that keep
aggregating to unmanageable proportions which eventually become endemic on a
global scale.
In the early part of 2008 Murti of Goldman Sachs predicted  crude at US$200 and would have found thousands of muppets to dump oil futures
and earn hefty bonuses in trading commissions and thereafter till the Feb of
2009, crude only accelerated towards earth to breach below US$ 40.
By the Dec of 2014 when the crude had
already fallen to $65 from the $110 levels Goldman went on to predict a $40 level in the
coming months and I am sure would have amassed billions in commissions on the base of their
specious advice to gullible investors who were trying to get a positive alpha on their
At the time that this piece was being
written the crude was around $37.
What amazes me is the blatant manner
in which these ‘super’ financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs etc across the globe misguide
and get away with it and no real regulation has been formulated till day to
make these goliaths accountable. No one seems to have a clue of what they are talking.
They only seem to be in a perpetual search for muppets.
Greed part 2:
When all the top financial
institutions collude to create a epiphany of deceit to fix the loan markets at
the cost of billions of retail borrowers across the world to make supernormal
profits, they start fixing LIBOR. Tom Hayes might be the face of the scandal and now a state guest for 14 years but can you
even begin to imagine that the LIBOR which is allegedly the most transparent measure
of global financial health was fixed fraudulently since the last 3 decades thereby making
loan seekers pay larger than required interest rates and in every way feeding
the bonuses (linked to profitability) of the bankers across the globe.
When fraud is at a mass market level,
it’s in every ones interest to hide it – for its impossible to convict 80% of
the bankers.
Greed part 3:
It was a sad day on the wall-street
when Sarvashreshth Gupta a 22 yr young Goldman Sachs analyst jumped to hisdeath 
after complaining of 100 hrs a week work and
ridicule by his boss and unreal timelines and pressure to complete
presentations. When he left India as a student of Pennsylvania University, the
family would have seen no end to their happiness – for dreams come true when
you travel to new countries for education and jobs and money. But sarvashreshth was being made to feed someone else’s greed.
Moral of the three stories:
At an extrinsic level these might be isolated
cases of individual frustrations / failures / or misplaced ambitions that the
media would make these sound. But at an intrinsic level these stories are a
reflection of an irreparable rot that has infested the corporate culture where
irrational demands and insatiable expectations of abnormally higher profits
make people do things that are outside the subsets of propriety.
Culture in families, in organisations,
in countries and on the planet is a function of varying degrees of greed and righteousness.
The global culture now sits on the bedrock of an ultra-capitalised greedy planet
that is only working towards higher and higher profit and bonuses.
Unless the captains of the industry
such as Blankfein and hundreds like him don’t take it upon themselves to get
rational in their greed and change the corporate culture, and let the results,
profitability and achievement of Annual Operating Plans be a function of
organisational culture having underpinnings in happiness, care, trust, patience, compassion and not simply a mindless pursuit of month on month profit,
the talent and lives of people like Greg Smith, Tom Hayes and Sarvashreshth
Gupta would continue to get wasted.

We are
born to be ‘naturally’ truthful and happy and stress-free and cohabitate
peacefully on this planet with each other. Greed and fraud and deceit takes a
lot of effort. The choice is entirely ours as to what seeds we want to sow in
our respective organisations that would eventually form the ‘corporate culture’.

Warren Buffets white knight
investment into Goldman Sachs in 2008 might just have been his life’s biggest moral
And next time someone tries to sell
you a capital protected market linked investment/insurance plan (which only
God can guarantee) give that fellow a tight slap and start running away from him for such a thing doesn’t exist
and will never exist either.

Manu also writes on Huff Post.


  1. There is always aringmaster at the very centre, telling others around him what to do and in a number of cases rewarding them for their dishonest assistance.
    This slowly leads to greed which forces frauds to take place and finally ends up in deceit.

  2. When dishonesty becomes an accepted norm across all spectrums, and when life's curriculum consciously teaches how to embroider such dishonesty in most deceit manner and reward the most decorated ones – those that are at its worse and yet camouflaged in the costumes of intelligence and smartness – Sarvashresht episodes will go un-noticed or rather be marked in the corporate books merely as an individual who was not competent enough to "meet expectations!" in his performance review!!

    Blatant lies and dishonesty has always been rewarded, be that in the corporate world or in general life.

    Did the world believe the then Chief of Staff Colin Powell when he held a little bottle of powder and posed it as a case to legitimately launch a war on a nation?

    Are we honestly honest in bringing back the black money, or saving farmer-suicides in India? Huh! The cost of flowers we purchase twice a year on Independence Day and Republic Day in Delhi will alone suffice to waive the loans of half the farmers who are struggling in life, do we not know?

    Does the world really not have the capabilities, wisdom and might to seek an end to the problems in Africa?

    At the bottom of all the 'issues' faced across all our engagements is this silent collusion and alliances we form with the evil of dishonesty, and we all have a part to play. Silence against these evils are same as being part of it.

    From our engagements in our neighborhood, to our frameworks built as a work culture, to the grand socio-political schemes around us, we are driven by a silent dictation of "I, Me and Myself", and everything else – including the prayers and hymns – become a way to cover our guilt of greed that's governing our moves, the desire for more!

    The attempt for peace begins from within; it blossoms then to the few around us, and it spreads as a gentle breeze toward the people we lead at work, and the work will then be based on a foundation of genuine love, care and ownership – but that's absolutely orthodox and conventional and prone to be written off as missionary; the world do not give much space for Lao Tzu's as much as we give and applaud Buffet and Ambanis.

  3. Well written. It's time that we made consultants and i-bankers more accountable for their "advice". While there is the concept of a "success" fee, it hardly ever extends beyond 1 year and their excel models extend beyond 25.

  4. Very few have written about this malaise. Manu Rishi has hit home the truth that market linked investments will make a monkey of you ! I am one such monkey who lost the little that I invested in an insurance scheme ! We have also become 'naturally' corrupt. Superb case studies and a well written conclusion ! Keep going Manuji !


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Manu Rishi Guptha

CEO and Founder - MRG Capital - SEBI Registered PMS

MBA (Warwick Business School, UK) with 25 years of senior management experience in the hospitality industry and Fund Management. Held top management position in a number of pioneering hotel projects. Successful track record in asset, financial and operational management, market development, stakeholder relationship - development and management, customer and human capital retention.

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