HomeCovidTimesHope amidst Virus, Vaccines, Quarantine and Quaintness

Hope amidst Virus, Vaccines, Quarantine and Quaintness




reality of Covid doesn’t really hit you till it hits you. March of 2020 through
Sep Oct while Covid ravaged thru the planet, India seemingly remained unscathed
– more so when the same was analysed in relation to the large population base.

early as May 2020 the street vendors were back in business selling
paani poori and the food appreciating
Indian population thronged back to restaurants and bars and pubs by October and
large part of Indian population took refuge of the Pent-up desires and most of
the service providers thought that just wearing a glove (all day without
changing those) solved for the situation at hand. The powers that be were quick
to take credit of flattening the proverbial curve and at one instance the
governor even derived an analogy of flattening the virus curve by bending it
like Beckham
and almost took credit for it.

abject neglect of virus lessons from around the world can be interpreted as the
amazing power of human resilience and the ability of homo-sapiens to move on
from one crisis to another and survive and thrive OR sheer plain stupidity of
ignoring expert advice by subject matter experts, thereby putting themselves
and fellow humans in peril.

Second Wave has hit our country in a manner that no one had anticipated and the
shock and awe as a result is unfathomable. The horrific stories, loss of lives,
unavailability of resources (medicines, oxygen, hospital beds and even
cremation slots) has traumatized the entire nation.

you read a lot you become hypochondriac, and if you don’t you catch the virus
and if you are unlucky you get it nevertheless to one’s surprise.

experiences of going  through the virus

April 2021 my family and I managed to exercise all restraint, follow protocols,
wear a mask and avoided all unnecessary travel.

we ensured that all elders were vaccinated
 at the first available opportunity and I took my
first vaccine shot the day I became eligible on the 1 April. Maybe to be slyly
fooled by the vaccine itself on the April Fools Day.


took the vaccine (COVAXIN) as directed – (first day first show) and by the end
of the day my energy levels started dropping and within 24 hrs of it, I was
devoid of any energy – not even able to get up from the bed. Doctors advised
that the body’s immune response was developing and a few Sr. Dr. classmates
from school advised me against popping paracetamols as suppression of
inflammation and pain through consumption of prophylactics blunts the immune

a paracetamol only if you must (when temp crosses 102F). Human body is a
complex eco system where it repairs itself, fights and does everything to

the time I was bedridden and worried, I followed the basic common-sense to keep
myself hydrated with lots of coconut water, usual vitamins.

Vit C and Vit D are known to create some sort of a protective shield and boosts
the body’s immune response. There is a theory that derides the use of external
vitamins as body has this immense ability to assimilate and process everything
consumed to everything it needs. And that explains how 2 different saplings of different fruits or vegetables can turn out to be big fruit and
vegetable bearing trees with just water poured during their lifecycle. But we must
still take external vitamins to supplement the deficiency.

days after the vaccine when I was still not feeling perfect, I started sensing
a loss of smell and got a RTPCR test done to be declared positive on April 9
– 9
th day of the first vaccine shot.


you hear stories on social media you empathise, but when you get hit you get damn
scared esp when you have a 3 Yr old daughter and a 70 Yr old mother at home.

So while blaming the vaccine was an
obvious response, Covaxin is a dead virus that is supposed to mimic the live
one – when it enters Your body and activates body’s immune response and creates
antibodies. I actually thought naughtily that since I wasn’t chanting jai Shree Ram or Har Har Modiji , the dead virus became alive to
attack me. Perhaps that was the message to be taken from Mr. Modi s foto on the
vaccine certificate.

But jokes apart, vaccines comprise of dead, non infectious disease that’s
injected, or
(synthetic mutated RiboNucleic Acid) used by JnJ and Moderna, that mimic the
disease and allows the body’s immune response to develop the virus fighting

We immediately got tests done for the
rest of the family and the responsibility of 3 girls (daughter mom and wifey)
was a worry. All came positive with viral CT values around 30 while I was the
only one with 21.

Higher the CT
value lower the Viral load – remember below 24 you need to be worried and above
24 you need to know the protocols that are available for immediate intervention.

Apollo247.com seems to have their act in place. Doctors all
over the country are available online within minutes. The consultation fees is
less than Rs.800 on average and most of these Docs are seemingly nice and
patient and are available for 3 days on chat after the initial consultation
even though I didn’t get a response when I tried to chat on the 3rd

Don’t panic at
all. It’s a naughty and a deadly virus but still a virus and behaves like a
viral fever with difficult symptoms. Eventually it will weaken and remain amongst
us like so many other viral flus. Its a collective fight against a common enemy. If we follow protocols and advice, we will win else we will only make the enemy stronger (allow it to mutate to become more virulent and infectious)

Children have a very different and
believably stronger immune profile and are generally recommended Zincovit syrup
5-10 mg and advice to monitor their temperature and oxygen saturation. Again –
Human body knows how to fight and to survive. Don’t blunt its response by
getting worried if fever is mildly high. In most cases children will recover and will fight this devilish virus in no time.

Adults need to keep an eye on fever
and oxygen saturation levels. The state of the country at present demands that we remain cautious
and stay at home.

Oxymeters just like masks were an almost unknown underappreciated resource.
Every home must now have compressed oxygen can, oxymeter, sanitizing sprays and
quarantine protocols in mind (incase the need arises)

Of Quarantine..

My wife wakes up daily at 0530 and in
the last 10 years of our marriage, I haven’t been able to figure out what she
does till 0730. She uses a nomenclature “Me-Time”.
search does throw a definion
. And it took Covid and Quarantine to
understand how therapeutic Me-Time is how every individual must find ones Mojo
in a bit of it everyday.

My heart is full of gratitude that the
severity of my situation was manageable at home that allowed me to write this
note but quarantine was perhaps the most zen time I have had in the last 45
years. Almost 2 weeks of solitude, abundance of Me-Time, importance of being
self reliant (washing, cleaning, working in a confined space) while being on
the edge of a health situation that could have been potentially fatal.

If you have more
than a bedroom, try and make the sunniest room as the quarantine room. It allows
you to  recharge your batteries with sun
and removes the gloom. Sun is worshipped as a God – not without a reason.

Ensure that You have adequate supplies
of your clothes, detergents of various kinds and a spray sanitiser (that allows
you to exchange goods / supplies with family, when required using this

Move a small desk and chair to enable you
to take calls, use laptop and create some sort of a workstation.

Besides access to internet, kindle and
your fav books, ensure you have your fav Bluetooth speaker or Alexa to indulge
in a bit of pleasant music as and when required. I never got a chance to
appreciate symphonies but developed an addiction of Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi
and Bach in these 2 weeks. Believe You me – its really de-stressing

Due to lack of movement, mild muscle
atrophy can set in without you knowing at all. Ensure you do some basic
exercises each day. A few Situps, pushups, cruches and surya namaskar is all that’s
required to keep the blood flow going and the body in shape.

Ensure that you follow a routine of
sleeping and waking up in time. Don’t allow an iota of gloom creep in. And irrespective
of whether you are working or not, follow a routine to dress up like on a usual
day (shoes et all). Wear your daily perfume even if your sense of smell has
gone for a toss. This really helps in giving a sense of purpose esp when there
is gloom and doom all around.

Watch as little covid data and news as
possible. You are already in a situation and you cant do a damn about anything. Keep
your spirits up and if you are active on social media try and help people in
need by connecting the needy to the resources.
produces all the 4 most vital hormones
at the same time that in-itself heals and motivates you even more.

We are all a product
of our thoughts that lead to action and that leads to character. Good thoughts
are like cocaine. These give you a high. Think and remain positive.

Connect with all lost friends whom who
have always wanted to be in touch. Connect with memories that bring a smile on your
face and twinkle in your eyes. Remember that we are all creatures of our memories.
No one knows what the future holds and stop fretting about it. You are just a
spec in the scheme of things of 4 billion years of life, 4 million years of
humanity and 8 billion of us floating around at this time – All of us thinking
that we will make a difference. No one gives a damn.

Moral compass is a vague concept that isn’t
empirically defined. Make an effort to calibrate that. Calibration of
ambitions, ethics, morality, right-wrong, relationships can only be done when
you have time to think, be quiet and seek answers to questions that you have
never sought before. And you don’t need a Britannica for that. All you need is
an acceptance that you are seeking and you shall find.

If possible set a target of learning
something (the lowest hanging fruit) that you always wanted but never found time.
I learnt a skill that I have been meaning to learn for 20 years but couldn’t. I read every article and many books on the subject and ensured that I reached a
level of conversational competence in that subject. This was hugely gratifying.

Allow your mind to acknowledge and
accept that This too shall pass or You will pass away. No one cares, nothing matters.
Ikigainess and
lightness if sought is always almost granted.

Of Quaintness..

The modern day life is all about continuously driveling and this has reduced our ability to stop and pause and achieve a
state of shunyata.
Ability to empty ones mind of all thoughts, desires even if momentarily – is an amazing
feeling. Most of us living today might not get this opportunity and I pray –
should not!. But if you do encounter an opportunity to stare at quaintness,
make the most of it. Explore the virtues of Maun
and its benefits.

Fearlessness is an almost impossible
virtue to achieve. FOMO, Peer Pressure, Social Obligations are the drags and
headwinds that no one wants yet we get sucked into these. Jot down on a piece
of paper that you can stick on your desk that really defines all your needs. And
You’ll be surprised at the outcome esp. when you are in a forced quarantine.
One really needs far lesser than what we imagine or anticipate.

Life is very very short and very beautiful
don’t waste it with the
boundaries and shackles
of the deadly sins

And lastly start
appreciating your wife’s Me-Time for she is in a state of Nirvana that you are
seeking and still struggling to find. Gratitude allows you to free up of your
mental shackle of deprivation and external unfairness.

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  1. We should live a brave-full life & die once. Not live dying each day… wetting our pants, being scared of being in the 2%. If your "karmas" have been being 2% worth then you know best & noone can save u anyway.

    & Finally you have all the gods, they will take care & if nothing works or they r tooo busy then u have my Hanuman. He shall, guaranteed do the needful. What's good for you shall happen. Guaranteed!!!

    You know, Nature runs a restaurant called "K A R M A".. Its a place where there is no need to place any order…You are served what you deserve…   Let's all, friends together just improve our Karma – rest shall all fall in place !!! 

    The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.–

    To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.

    Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.–

    Roti may feed my body, but my karma feeds my soul. 

    “Watch any plant or animal and let it teach you acceptance of what is, surrender to the Now. Let it teach you Being. Let it teach you integrity — which means to be one, to be yourself, to be real. *Let it teach you how to live & how to die, and how not to make living & dying into a problem.”*




  2. Yarro,

    Life is mostly froth and bubble, Two things stand like stone,
    Kindness in another's trouble, Courage in your own. – Ally

    My simple logic & priceless advise……��

    Nothing to fear, worry, be tense, about at all.
    Be Brave, be caring & sharing. Some people like to worry anyway, it's a habit….. in that case do worry for the right cause- climate change, Plastic & Air pollution, water & food wastage, hundreds of vanishing species each day, etc etc. Much more dangerous things, reppurcissions of which will be deadly & unimaginable!!
    Worry & work for Healing Mother Earth.!!!

    Ours is a great country having population of 130+ crores humans & that many Gods!!! Thats our power of faith, trust & Hope.

    Jai Hindustan!!!

    Even if people 2 Cr people die in this whole drama created by "some" anti national cheap media presstitutes & saddist blackmailers. Even that's less than 2%.

    So to think & believe that you are going to be a part of the 2% & not the 98% is nothing but being pessimistic & negative.

    Your family, friends, juniors look upto you. In these times you got to lead & spread truth & strength, faith & trust. Be a part & example of reality rather than drama.

    98% NOTHING will happen. 2%….. if it happens you have your strong immune system which you compliment with healthy food, drinking lots of juices & fluids, steam & taking precautions by working from home, spending time with nature & enjoying the free oxygen provided by the trees which ur elders or u have planted.

    If this fails then u have all the best medicines to take & get ok, & if that too does not work then u have millions of gods and ur karma – YOU SHALL TRIUMPH!!! Be Assured.
    I have been brimming with nostalgia, gratitude & optimism over last few mths.

    None but ourselves can free our minds from Fear, Terror, Alarm, Fright, Horror, Angst, Anxiety, Dismay, Apprehenssions, Discomposure, Unease, Being scared, Timidity, stupidity & this false propoganda by the sick presstitute selected media.

    India is a huge nation.. you must know the facts……each day appx 7.23 deaths per 1,000 inhabitants in India take place.

    Or to make you understand easily ….appx 30,000 people die DAILY. It's nothing alarming. Cardiovascular diseases, or diseases of the heart and blood vessels, are the leading cause of death. However, their prominence is not reflected in our perceptions of death nor in the media.

    While the death toll for HIV/AIDS peaked in 2004, it still affects many people today. The disease causes over 2,600 daily deaths on average. In Road accidents We have appx 500 deaths daily. 10 Lac people die due to diebities & 9 lac die due 5o suicide each year.

    Terrorism & natural disasters cause relatively very few deaths. That said, these numbers can vary from day to day—and year to year—depending on the severity of each individual instance.

    So this is NO cause to worry & fear. I have been a warrior, that too fifth generation. Jointly more than 150 yrs of army service in the family. Every mission carried out, service in Siachen the odds were and still are 50% – 50%. Even in sports like Polo or dare devil riding the odds are 80% – 20%. Compared to dying from Corona odds of 98% – 2%.

    As I always say. " Aaye ho toh jana hai …..aur jayoge toh hi aana hai."

    Let's be "MAN & WOMEN ENOUGH" & not be so shit scared please. Have faith, belief & trust on your self, Careful – yes, but scared – 100% – No.

  3. Dear Sir, As always it's a great piece of work. U write with such passion. May you always be blessed and thankgod for your recovery.
    Our sincere prayers are with you and the family. It's a extradoniary situation.bTjougj I strongly still feel this is the trailer and if we don't quickly take strict measures it's a serious matter. Virus is a virus it allows mistakes and one can neagate it. Climate is another ball game. It's unpradonable and it's ruthless.


    Fossil fuels are a public health crisis.
    And we know for certain that Indians, and all Indigenous communities have endured a disproportionate burden of toxic pollution while a
    small handful of overwhelmingly companies & fossil fuel executives rake in
    millions of dollars in profits. This system isn't fair.
    Primeminister Modi, US Presidents Biden & Putin themselves have outlined priorities for their
    administrations: Health, Economic recovery, Pollution, and the Climate crisis. By confronting fossil
    fuel pollution, we can address all four at once.
    To truly Help mother earth heal top leaders must Build back fossil free economies & phase out fossil fuel production & hold
    polluting corporations accountable.

    Fossil fuel executives have poisoned our environment, our bodies & our democracy for long enough. It's time to Heal Mother Earth.
    Go Electric!!! Share & Care.

    Rissala Electric Motors India stands strongly behind the government's efforts & works towards providing top end electric mobility solutions. Healing Mother Earth!!!

    Rissala Electric Motors – Warriors Belief & Mission.

    Healing Mother Earth!!!

    Sharing & Caring!!!

    Premium Quality – Affordable Prices & Best After Sales Service!!!

    Creating Jobs – Proudly Made in India!!!

    "Evolet" = Happy, Sustainable, Affordable, Green mobility for each & everyone. Just like our ageless companion – The Horse.

  4. You have turned adversity into a great opportunity and drawn life lessons which would be useful to anyone who reads this blog. We waste too much of time running after things that don’t really matter.
    Wishing you good health.

  5. Thank you for sharing your experience with the present circumstances. It gives all thorough information and the guidance to face such challenges strongly and confidently.

  6. Articulate…lucid…vivid…a whole lot of synonyms can always be said for how and what you write…
    But this time manu…simply put…your words are pouring from the heart…and hence make a world of sense to what you've just said…
    It's beautiful…insightful…and helpful aswell.


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Manu Rishi Guptha

CEO and Founder - MRG Capital - SEBI Registered PMS

MBA (Warwick Business School, UK) with 25 years of senior management experience in the hospitality industry and Fund Management. Held top management position in a number of pioneering hotel projects. Successful track record in asset, financial and operational management, market development, stakeholder relationship - development and management, customer and human capital retention.

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